Friday, November 30, 2007
Memory Makers 601 is in Da Howwwzzzz!!!
To celebrate my pub, how about another RAK? Hhhmmmm....I'll have to dig thru my stash to see what I have to give away. Stay tuned. I'll try to find something around here or pick something up at Archivers on Monday if I get the chance to go.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Christmas cards and a RAK I should've given away weeks ago!
I've been so busy that I forgot to RAK this cute little Halloween album kit by Making Memories. There's all kinds of goodies in this kit- the album, stickers, fiber, etc. The first person who posts here gets it!!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Paranormal experience
But something happened to me that makes me wonder. Last night, my sis and I were watching back 2 back episodes of Extreme Makeover she taped. After she fed the baby, she burped her and she spit up. I told her that I'd go get Savahn a change of clothes. I rounded the corner and proceeded down the long hallway. At the end of the hallway is my mom and dad's old bedroom. The light was on. As I rounded the corner, I caught a glimpse of a shadowy figure moving swiftly from right to left. I got cold chills. I am not fearful of spirits because I know that I'm washed in the blood of the Lamb and nothing can harm me. I went down the hallway and peeked into the room to see if there was anything abnormal in there. The two big dogs were in there lying on their pillows fast asleep. I wonder if my Dad's spirit still lingers there? Do people immediately go to Heaven when they die or do they just hang out until Jesus comes back to get us all? Anyway, I told my sister of the experience and she also got cold chills. Then I remembered that my mom told me of a similar experience she had. My sis ran to the grocery store for something. Mom was alone at the house. She heard a noise, turned and looked and saw a shadowy figure. She started calling out to my sister, thinking it was her she had seen. But my sister had not yet returned from the store.
I had forgotten all about Mom's story until last night when that happened to me. It's not like my sis and I had been talking about it and the recent conversation led me to imagine that I saw something. No, I know what I saw. It was really strange. I was so close to my dad. If it was him, then I'm happy that he's still near.
Has anything otherworldly ever happened to you?? What are your thoughts? This would have been more fitting a couple weeks ago during Halloween. Hee hee...
Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Friday
It was such a pretty, sunny day, that I decided to snap a few pics of the kids while we were there. It's such a beautiful, peaceful sanctuary. Ryan cracks me up with his big, cheesy smile, showing off his new teeth.
I don't blame Savahn for holding her hand to her forehead. I would too if I were surrounded by all those ornery boys!
Last but not least, of course I had to do a photo shoot of my sis and the baby. I don't have photosoop here, so what you see is what you get!!
So, did you hit any good black Friday sales? What'd ya get? I'm going back to Hobby Lobby with a coupon to get a pack of Basic Grey Mellow and Figgy Pudding.I went this morning since they have 50% off packaged paper thinking the BG packs would qualify for the sale only to be told, "no, these are considered 'kits', not paper packs", so I didn't get them cuz at the time, I didn't have a coupon, which is another story in itself. I went to print out a coupon and my sis's printer wasn't hooked up, so I thought I remembered her saying something about the print cartridge not working right. She was asleep so I didn't want to bother her. Chris came over so I asked if I could go by his house to print out the !@#%$ HL coupon, he said sure. So I went over there and his printer was out of ink. So I went to my aunt's to use her printer, and, you guessed it- no ink!! LOL! I'm like, doesn't anyone in Texas believe in refilling their printer ink cartridge?? So I went to HL w/o a coupon only to be frustrated. I came home and Leyanna was awake. I asked her about the printer, and she said all it needed was to be plugged in. So after all that, I know have FOUR !@#$% Hobby Lobby coupons, so away I go. Sorry to bore you with such a dumb story.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I'm in Texas!!
My sister's computer doesn't have a port to take photos off my camera card, so I'll have to figure out a way to get these pictures loaded for y'all to see.
What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Obviously, I'm spending Thanksgiving in Texas with my boys, my aunt and uncle and cousin, my sister, her husband and brother-in-law.
Have a great and blessed Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 16, 2007
The roof is going on today!!
And the windows and doors are on! I can't believe our house is being formed right before our very eyes. It's so incredible to watch it go from our heads, to paper and now to real life. It's so exciting and amazing!!
I've been too busy to do a RAK this week. Stay tuned this weekend. I've got a bunch of Halloween stuff I wanna RAK.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
My mother in law
Please continue to pray for a healing for her. We love her so much and can't imagine life without her.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Enabler alert!!
I love helping you spend, uhum, I mean, SAVE you money!! Hee hee!!
November is the month we think about what we are thankful for .
This week at Just Let Me Scrapbook I want to thank
my wildly creative Design Team
for the consistant inspiration they share with us!
I have to say these Ladies are AMAZING!
What is your favorite project that is currently shown in our DT Gallery?
Enter the project name and designer in the comments section
during checkout and use the code
THANKSDT to receive 25% off your entire order!
This code is good through SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18.
Thank you for shopping with us! We appreciate you very much!
Mary Beth
Sunday, November 11, 2007
A month of celebrations!
Then on Friday, Eric and I celebrated our 5th anniversary together. For this weeks challenge at, I created an acrylic mini album. It was really fun to do.
Then on Saturday, my oldest son, Joshua turned 20. I can not even believe I have a child in their 20's! I'm getting so old!!
Today is Roger and Norma's 40th wedding anniversary. Roger and Norma adopted Connor as their grandson before Connor was born. They didn't have any grandchildren of their own, and Eric never had a dad and my dad passed away when I was 5 month's pregnant with Connor, so it was meant to be.
Eric took me out on Saturday for our anniversary as he spent all of Friday evening working on the house, so I went to a banquet with the Women's Ministries of our church.
Speaking of house, can you believe this??
The inspiration for this mini album is the song, "I Believe in Us" by Amy Sky which you can view the video here.
Please click on each image for a larger view. Let me know if you have any questions on any of it.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Ryan's last day with braces, more house and an update on Shirley
This photo of the house is kinda grainy because it was really dark when I got to the property. As you can kinda see, the exterior walls of the house are up. Eric said that next week, the roofers will come. I hope the weather holds out by then. Please say a little prayer for weather favors.
On a sad note, my mother-in-law has to start Chemotherapy on Monday. It appears that some breast cancer cells are floating around and have attached themselves to her abdominal wall, wreaking (sp?) havoc on her. The fluid that was drained from her abdomen is the bodies' defense mechanism at work. Please say a prayer for her as she faces this difficult time. The doctor said that if she didn't take chemo, she'd have a year to live. We want her around as long as divinely possible so that Connor and Desi, her two youngest grandkids, can remember her.
Monday, November 05, 2007
A Couple Toots
I won a Rusty Pickle manufacturer challenge over at Crop Addict with my last minute entry, "Paci Pirate"
Thanks for sharing my toot with me!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Soccer season wrap up, more home and RAK results!
Here's my future scrap room! Yay!!